
Sunday, September 21, 2014

Craftsy Blog

The latest Craftsy blog I wrote has been published here

This weekend Cindy and I (and 10 other guild members) are attending a workshop being presented by Kim McKenna, learning about the new regenerated fibres.  It's been a while since I had done any spinning so I'm fumbling my way through the samples, mostly slippery fibres.  :)

Even though they are all regenerated, some from cellulose, some from protein, they each have their own characteristics.  I was most surprised at how slippery some of them are, although why that should be I'm not sure - they were developed to be silk substitutes, after all.

If you ever have a chance to take a workshop with Kim, you will learn a lot about fibres and yarns.  I'm hoping to become a better weaver by adding to my database of how fibres look, feel and function, in order to make better choices for my hand woven cloth.

1 comment:

  1. I don't know if this would duplicate what you learnt with Kim McKenna but I've been watching the new video by Patsy Zawitoski "Spinning the new Fibres" and learnt a lot of stuff I've not been able to find elsewhere. I found it fascinating, but I still prefer the feel of real silk. I think I'd be most likely to use new fibres in blends with wool or plied wht wool.
