
Friday, September 19, 2014

Hen Party

Cleaning up, Doug came across one of my old postcards I used for marketing eons ago.

This was one of my more popular place mat designs which I wove by the 100's - literally.  Warps were generally 40 yards long, woven 3 mats at a time or about 150 place mats from each warp.

Nothing like finally digging into the piles of rubble to find stuff you'd long forgotten about!

The reason for the clean up is that a friend was coming to visit and we needed her to be able to actually sleep in the bed in the guest room come office.

Cindy arrived on time last night and today we spent a leisurely day sight seeing around the town.  Autumn has arrived and over the next few days the colours should be pretty spectacular.  It was also nice that the rain forecast for today arrived last night, so we had a really pleasant day wandering around, sight seeing.

This afternoon I let her loose on the spinning wheel I borrowed for her to use at the workshop this weekend.  I'm not a very good spinner, nor do I have any particular aspirations in that direction, so you might wonder why I signed up for a spinning workshop.

Well, the topic, for one.  Kim McKenna will be explaining the fibre characteristics of the new regenerated fibres.  I figure anything I learn will be more grist for the mill in terms of my being able to make appropriate choices in my weaving.

And who knows, she might be able to teach me how to spin more effectively.  Although after putzing around on the borrowed wheel, I've come to realize that part of my problem is that I'm not getting sufficient twist into the fibres.  Which would explain why my 'yarn' so often breaks as I'm trying to reel it off the bobbin.

Always something more to learn when it comes to fibres, yarn and how to make better cloth.

Currently reading Revenant by Kat Richardson

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