
Tuesday, October 7, 2014


Doug got up to the annex yesterday to work on the pressing.  Tonight I will trim the 21 scarves and then they can be tagged and priced and put into inventory.  And once again, the hemming pile awaits.  

The more things change and all that. 

Yesterday the gal from the local cable company came and stayed for nearly two hours interviewing and taping.  She expects the interview will air tomorrow and then it will be loaded to You Tube.  When I find out the link I will post it.  Not that I'm all that happy about how I look on camera, but I love to talk about weaving and maybe let people know that weaving is not a lost art.   People do still weave, and spin and work with fibres.  Maybe we will even get a few new guild members. :)

1 comment:

  1. Oooooooo...can't wait to see the video! Good for you!!

    BTW, the towels are gorgeous!
