
Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Missed Deadlines

three last painted warps for scarves

One thing about being self-employed is that you have to be self-motivated.  I find one way to do that is to have very clear goals and a time frame in which I want to achieve them.

So deadlines are my friend.  Even though they are self-imposed, they help to get me up in the morning, dressed and to the studio to work on the next step(s) in helping me arrive where I want to be.

Unfortunately Life sometimes has other plans.  And so the lovely red warps above are still just that - warps.

We are already into the show season and anything not woven by now has missed this particular boat.  That ship has sailed.

Not being able to weave for almost 6 weeks this summer means that I could not get everything woven that I had on my to-do list.  No blue place mats.  No red scarves.  Well, only one warp of red, anyway.

Bottom line?  I have depth of stock, if not breadth of stock.  The van is full of textiles and hopefully enough people will find something they like and buy.

As for the rest?  It will get done for next year's show season.

I hope.  Making plans.  Setting goals.  Making deadlines.  We'll see if Life co-operates.

1 comment:

  1. I, too, live by goals & deadlines. And I, too, sometimes miss them. That's just the way life is. Somehow it all works out in the end.

    P.S. I just remembered to submit my review of the Wet Finishing DVD. :-) Also just emailed Interweave, since I haven't yet received my Efficient Weaver DVD :-(
