
Thursday, October 30, 2014

Worthy Causes

These are some of a run of silk scarves I did a few years ago.  I was down to two last weekend, and then one of the two sold so I only had one left - the purple one more or less in the centre.

Now after being in business for as many years as I have, eventually you wind up with stale inventory or 'last one of a series'.  These items have been dragged to numerous shows (in case of the former) or else are difficult to display because they are just one.  They don't 'fit' into the display well.

As a starving artist I have rarely had much in the way of actual cash to donate to causes that I deem 'worthy'.  On the other hand, these end of the line or stale items are perfect for donations.  Most charities will give tax receipts that I can claim on my income tax return (should I ever be in the position of actually needing to pay income tax - I used to tell people my goal in life was to earn enough money that I was required to pay.)

But mostly it is because I want to help support an organization that I know is probably struggling to make ends meet and this is the only way I can do it.

So that purple and white silk scarf got dropped off the the Early Childhood Development facility this afternoon for their fund raising auction.  I have a tenuous connection to the facility - the lady who lived next door to us when I was growing up worked long and hard to establish this support agency for children with disabilities, mainly because her son with cerebral palsy needed something like this and it didn't exist at the time.  She wanted other parents to not have to struggle so hard to get their children the help they needed.  She doesn't live in this town any more, but her legacy lives on.  And I like to help keep it alive.

Currently reading Fool's Assassin by Robin Hobb (almost 700 pages!!!!  I might need to ramp up my reading, which has kind of slowed lately.)


  1. Hi Laura - it truly is a wonderful way to give back to the community, and it is very helpful when the organizations can give a tax receipt. I do the same thing and feel great about it. It is a joy to see one's own weaving on a silent auction table, or in a live auction. Weaverly yours .....

  2. Ha, Ha. Joke, right? You've slowed on your reading?

  3. You have so many more books in the Robin Hobb series, I envy you! Keep going. Even Live Ships, and the Dragons series relate. Tawny Man comes back to Fitz....

  4. I've read all of Robin Hobb's books. Was delighted to see the start of a new series. But nearly 700 pages? Yowza! I don't have much time for reading right now. :-/
