
Friday, November 28, 2014

A Day Off

It is rare that I take a day 'off'.  Usually the reason I'm not working is because I'm too sick to get to the studio.  But yesterday I didn't go to the studio at all.  I had massage in the morning and as usual she asked if I was going to take the rest of the day 'easy'.  With every intention of going to the studio I assured her that I would - fingers crossed behind my back, so to speak.

But the day was nasty with near blizzard conditions and it was dark and dreary.  I hadn't had a chance to visit with my neighbour for a while so instead of heading to the studio after lunch, I phoned and asked if she felt like a visit.  She did, so I went over and we had a long visit getting caught up on the past month (or more) since I'd seen her last.

By the time I got home it was 4 pm and I just didn't feel like doing I didn't.

Today is a much nicer day, though.  The snow stopped after dinner last night and the temperatures dropped bringing a lovely bright sun shiny day today.  A quick trip to town for a few minor errands before the weekend and after lunch I fired up the AVL and finished off (sort of) the wound beige bobbins.  There might just possibly be enough for one more towel, but I was anxious to see the brown weft, so said to heck with it, and began.

The brown linen slub is just slightly thicker than the natural so I adjusted the pick count from 28 to 26 and I think it's good to go.

It doesn't seem like 28 or 26 picks per inch would make a significant difference over 32, but it does.  These are going to go so much more quickly than the singles 20 (or whatever it was) I have been using!

Currently reading In A Dark House by Deborah Crombie


  1. do realise you are allowed days off now and then, right? I need to speak to your boss about this human rights violation.

  2. Yes, real slave driver she is. ;).

    So glad we got home when we did. Had near blizzard conditions on Thursday and now it is -28C. Good to be home and hunker down for winter.


  3. So glad that you took some time for yourself....and time that was not dictated due to health issues. It's so very important that we allow ourselves the 'luxury' of doing nothing and enjoying it fully. I hope you find reason to do it a little more often. :)
