
Wednesday, November 26, 2014


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Perhaps it is because I'm still tired.  Perhaps it is because of the string of grey dreary days we have been having.  Perhaps it is because a similar coloured warp I wove earlier this year failed to sell at the craft fairs.  Perhaps it is because these neutral beige shades really don't speak to me on a personal level.  Whatever the reason, I'm finding myself rather uninspired by the results.

Last year at NEWS, I cleaned out a vendor of all of their fine slubby linen in a dark sort of reddish brown.  (I left the other 70's colours - somehow harvest gold and the green that went with it just did not call my name.  At all!  We won't even mention the orange.)

Once I've finished weaving off the bobbins of the natural beige linen that are already wound, which should give me about 5 towels - and finished a small cone of the 3 of this yarn I have - I am going to switch to the dark brown.  I'm not sure I'll like that any better, but it should be a lot more dramatic and visually dynamic.  If there is still warp left when I've finished the brown, I will switch back to the natural.

I'm quite sure that once wet finished the more neutral beige will look just fine.  I just need something a little more visually stimulating right now.  Not to mention the brown linen needs to be used up, too.

In the meantime, we are waiting for the snow that has been predicted in a snow advisory.  Supposedly 8-10+ inches by tomorrow morning.  It still hasn't started snowing, so perhaps we'll get lucky and the storm will pass us by.  If not, I expect to spend some quality time at the loom tomorrow.  Doug still hasn't unloaded the van, and may not be able to for a few days if the snow does dump on us.  But once the boxes are emptied I will be selecting things to go on 'sale' like I did over the summer - iow, buy two (or more) items and get free shipping.

I still have copies of A Good Yarn:  Rayon, Weave a V by Kerstin Fro:berg and lots and lots of tea towels.  Just in case Santa needs a hint...


  1. You have a wonderful color sense, But don't forget that beige looks good with many brighter colors oranges, reds and blues. Black will make it a bit sophisticated. Go a little wild!
    Stephanie S

  2. Yes, indeed. Challenge is I'm trying to use up what I have, not order in more! :^)

  3. I am right in the middle of those "70s colors", lots of orange, a much unapprectiated color. I am working with a 2/26s wool, amazing well behaved, with 5X colors of orange and as many pinks. I can't get even close with the difference between the dye lots, not with me dyeing the yarn. The whole effect will really sparkle. Orange is sunshine. If all works, I'm making a swing coat. 😄

  4. I'm not an orange fan, personally, but I do work with it. This warp has some peach and a reddish light brown in it. I'm liking the dark brown weft on it because the pattern is more obvious. But I think I will use it all up with warp left over so will finish it with the natural beige. Feels so good to use up some of my too copious stash!

