
Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Colour Blast

After 30 yards of beige, especially during the dreary grey days we had been having, I really needed a palette change.  Since the AVL was nekkid and the Leclerc still had the last half of a painted warp in RED, it was a delight to switch over to that loom.

Not only that, but to finish one more warp was very satisfying!

There are two more red painted warps left, which I will continue to work on in between working on the AVL.

Now that I have an approximate surgical date we are beginning to make plans for the coming year.  Ultimately it is looking increasingly as though I am 'retired' from teaching in the US - the difficulty of getting across the border is just getting to be too much of a hassle - but I hope I can continue to teach in Canada - either here in Prince George taking private students, but most especially in BC and Alberta.

Right now we are looking at possibly being at the provincial conference in Red Deer next May, and Olds Fibre Week in June.  The ANWG conference will be held in Victoria in '17 so I'm hoping to be healthy enough to apply to teach there.

But essentially I have a couple of pretty large 'swords' hanging over my head in terms of health issues as well as the little ones most people have at my age.  So I'm not making big plans about much of anything right now.  Mostly I'm focusing on getting through next Jan/Feb and then see how things are going.

Stash reduction will continue to be a priority as I fill up the 'holes' in my inventory from a fairly successful craft fair season.  Such a nice 'problem' to have!  Even better that enough things have sold out that I get to design whole new lines of things.  I can hardly wait for my energy to come back!


  1. Wow! That really *is* a color blast. Nice group of related reds, I'm sure they are a treat to weave on grey days! Very warm and cheerful.

  2. I sincerely hope you can get rid of biggish health problems out of the way so you can do whatever you'd like to do, Laura. And continued success with your craft shows, too.
