
Monday, December 8, 2014


This past weekend was the guild sale/demo.  Unfortunately it was rather more quiet than hoped, but a few of my 'discontinued' items found new homes so that made me happy.

On Sunday Doug went pressing and brought home the finished, finished, red tea towels plus a bucket full of the chocolate brown weft towels.  I am quite pleased with how they look but they are thicker than my preference for 'tea' towels.  They would make good 'kitchen utility towels'.  Or table runners.

In this photo you can see both sides of the cloth and the pinned hem at one end.  I started hemming last night, but didn't get very far.

However, these are close enough to done with one week left in my 'buy two items, get free shipping' offer to include them.  There are about 15 of them.

After a couple of weeks of lovely winter weather we are having a warm spell.  The bad news is that with the warmer temps comes rain.  It isn't raining yet, so I should really head to town and brave the line up at the post office.  The down side of running a 'sale' at this time of the year - everyone else is mailing Christmas parcels and the line ups are huge.

As for what is happening in the studio today?  Probably work on the next scarf on the small loom while I cogitate about the next tea towel warp on the AVL.  I think I know what I want but need to get it into the weaving software and crunch the numbers to see if the threading repeat will fit into the number of ends for a tea towel.  I've got one large and one smaller cone of the tow linen left that I'd love to see used up.  And after that?  Oh yes, the two large cones of singles 20 natural linen I 'forgot' I had...

Still lots of stuff left in the Cyber Monday 'sale' - check the Dec. 1 post for up-to-date numbers - the towels pictured above are  in the $28 category

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