
Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Measuring Progress

Progress can be hard to measure at times but I'm just finishing week five and beginning to see some real signs. 

I've made two puzzles and ths morning started the third.  While they are only 500 pieces each, they are fairly challenging...or at least the right level of challenge for the moment. 

We have had such unseasonably warm weather that the streets are now bare and dry.  Getting totally bored with laps round the central fireplace, I asked Doug to walk outside with me.  I probably pushed a little further than I should have, but we made it all the way to the corner and back.  

Unfortunately it is still winter, so it took nearly as long to get dressed with warm coat, boots, gloves and sunglasses as it did to walk!

But there was a brisk breeze so warm gear was required, along with my Buddy in case of coughs or sneezes.  

Still haven't heard from the cardiologists office.  I need the all clear from him/her before I can ramp up the activity, although I think I might be ok to start hemming.  

I will see how I feel tomorrow.

And no, the scissors are not for making the pieces fit.  They were used to open the plastc bag the pieces came in. ;)


  1. So glad to see you healing!

    Nice to spot you leaving helpful comments on Weavolution, too. :-)

  2. What a joy to be able to get outdoors, especially if the weather is improving. Counting the days until you're able to get some fiber into your hands!
