
Tuesday, March 3, 2015


Nothing much has changed even though we have a new page on the calendar.  

Healing progresses, albeit more slowly than I would like.  But tiny steps have been made.  Right now I am waiting for an appointment with the cardiologist to get the all clear to begin physio.  I started knitting a few days ago and have been eyeing the stack of hemming.  I'm thinking I might be able to dig into that soon if I go slowly.

There was a really positive review of The Efficient Weaver on Weaving Today a few days ago.   Word has trickled down that Interweave is calling it a 'best seller'...whatever that means.  :)

For that I can only say thank you.

When I began this journey 40 years ago in March 1975 I had no idea where the road would take me.   It has been exciting and exhausting, perhaps in equal measure.  I have met wonderful people, some of whom have taught me invaluable lessons, some of whom have become dear friends.  

I have been able to express my creativity, follow my heart, travel to far away places.   But mostly I have been able to share my excitement about thread and cloth with like minded souls.  

None of us knows what the future may hold.  All we can do is figure out what inspires us, then follow our dreams.  And March on.

Currently reading Dreaming Spies by Laurie R King


  1. Hi Laura - I am so pleased to read where you are progressing well through your recovery period - I am quite sure if you take it easy you would be able to hem a tea towel or two. How wonderful, they are making reference to the "Efficient Weaver" as a "best seller". I totally agree, I have watched the DVD once and will be watching it again and again!!! Our winter just keeps on giving here on PEI, we had more then 232 cms of snow in February - I managed to get out to BC for three weeks and enjoyed the wonderful sunny, warm days!!!! That was sure a treat. Take care and keep up the great work in recovery.
    Weaverly yours .........

  2. Glad to hear you're healing, Laura. At our ages, we don't heal as quickly as we did 40 years ago. Take it easy, follow doctor's orders, and this, too, shall pass.

    I've watched The Efficient Weaver, too. Although I haven't been able to take advantage of all the techniques, those that I have been able to use have definitely improved my efficiency. Thanks!

  3. Hi Laura. glad to know your healing. i need to thank you for both the videos. i learned everything i've been doing wrong in wet finishing and will be changing my ways. then watched the efficient weaver and got my confidence back. i do have physical problems from using a draw loom for too many years and have given that up for regular floor looms.
    take care and do what the drys tell you.

  4. So glad your healing is progressing, Laura! If you are able to knit then I think hand-stitching shouldn't be any more strain than that. Probably easier. Anyway doctors likely have no clue about how strenuous (or not) handcrafts are. It's not like you're wanting to play a game of golf or something! Just listen carefully to your body and you should be fine.
