
Thursday, March 5, 2015

Winter Continues

We had been having such lovely weather people were starting to talk about Spring.   However, I have lived here all my life and am well aware that it can, and frequently does, snow well into March.  

Unfortunately, the road is now covered in several inches of snow which means my twice daily outside walks are on hold.   Hopefully this spring snowfall won't last too long and I can resume walking outdoors, but in the meantime, it's back to laps around the fireplace.   Or a trip to the mall where I can walk indoors.   Will wait and see if the snow melts or hangs around.


  1. Here it is extremely slippery, the roads are covered in thick ice and all the gravel has vanished down through the ice. Spikes under the boots are absolutely necessary. Fortunately, the temperatures are quite nice and the sun has started to warm. Hope you get spring soon!

  2. I enjoyed the Efficient Weaver thoroughly. Lots of valuable insight and instruction. Though I was hoping for a tip or two on avoiding floating selvedges. Maybe next DVD ;-)

    We're in for a warming down here in Illinois. Supposed to go into the 40 and 50's next week. The trend looks longer term than previously thought. What comes from the south usually heads north. I'll give it little push for you Laura. An old groundhog can't stop the spring equinox.
    Blowing warmer weather your way!

    Hang in there m'dear.

    Tom Z. in IL

  3. Floating selvedges are only necessary in a very limited number of situations. Check the Selvedge label for hints and tips about weaving without them. Glad you found the DVD useful. It was my hope that people would.

