
Sunday, March 8, 2015

Picking Up the Reins


Not knowing when my surgery would take place or how long it would take to recover, I cancelled all my commitments for teaching and vending for this year.  Now that the surgery is done, I have been tentatively making bookings.

My first is doing the local guild program in April, then a two day workshop on lace weaves - I think the dates are April 25/26 although I'm going to have to check because it appears I didn't actually write it down anywhere.  (It was supposed to happen in March but I felt that was just too soon - and I was probably right.)

The next date of note is the HWSDA conference, this year taking place in Red Deer, Alberta.  Doug and I will drive out and set up a vendor booth with yarns and some textiles.  I didn't apply to teach so the trip probably isn't really worthwhile financially - believe me you don't make a whole lot of money selling yarns.  Normally I'm teaching, which helps to subsidize the booth.  But with my health issues so much in the front of my mind, I decided that getting rid of some more of the yarn I bought to re-sell is probably A Good Thing.  The conference happens in May and I'm really hoping for good weather for the drive.

In June is Olds Fibre Week at which we will be vending, plus I'll be teaching Level Two again.

Beyond that, I'm reluctant to apply to teach anywhere because I just don't know what state my health is going to be in.  I have a feeling that my teaching is going to be confined to western Canada from now on.  Or possibly the internet, if I can figure out what to do and find the energy to do it.  With most bookings happening one to two years in advance, I just don't know if I will be able to do it and I really don't want to be in the position - again - of having to cancel events because of my health.

When I began weaving I really thought I'd be teaching well into my 70's.  Well, I may be, but it might be digitally, not in person.

Time will tell...


  1. Good to hear that you're putting things on the calendar again - having goals and deadlines is A Good Thing, too! I'm glad I got to meet you at Folk School - don't know when I'll make it out to western Canada (but I hope it's someday!).

  2. Well, just in case anyone is interested, I have taken private students in my studio. Just saying... :)


  3. Take it easy, but never say never. This year may be a quiet year, but one never knows with Laura Fry. :-)

  4. You will, don't worry. My friend had open heart surgery...we thought we'd loose her. It has been a tad over a year and she has flown to the Sub-continent, to Florida, to Europe, all for work. At first it was frightening - she probably should have started more slowly - but she is now doing very, very well, A second lease on life. She has just celebrated her 71st and has no plans to slow down. Good luck with your healing.

  5. So glad to hear you're feeling well enough to travel to HWSDA. I met you at one of there events yes these many years ago. You friends there will be delighted to see you. Safe travels!

  6. Hi, good to hear you are healing.

    Taking private students? That does

    sound great .. much easier than the

    drive to Olds from Vancouver Is.

    Best of luck and thankyou for the

    amazing amount of information on

    weaving .. David

  7. Glad to hear your recovery is going well. I hope you'll get to do some more online teaching in the future!

  8. I hope you're not taking on too much too soon, Laura. Please listen to your body and your doctors, and quiet the "must do" voice in your head. Even if that means having to cancel your presence. Nothing is worth risking your health.

  9. Doug will be doing the heavy lifting. I can't do it any more because of my back. :(


  10. In terms of teaching into the 21st century, I don't think that many of us imagined the growth of online classes through places like Weavolution, Craftsy, and Interweave Press. I am of the generation that I like the personal face time that in-person classes have, but as you use your gifts and talents to encourage future weavers I know that you will embrace the opportunity to create teaching models that will speak to them as well as for those of us who are "North of 40"!
