
Wednesday, March 11, 2015


Some days it is hard to see progress as it seems to be so slow.   But looking back a week?   Yes, definitely gains have been made.

There are still areas which I wish would look more progressive, but you have to take your positive things as they come.

So, I have started to drive again.   Only short distances so far, but still.   The hemming pile is pretty much done.  Just one table runner left, then Doug will have a bunch of pressing to do.

Last night I went to the guild room and was able to climb the long steep stairs without any real difficulty, something that had been getting more and more difficult before surgery.   Guess all that walking has been helping regain strength?  And it was a real boost to see actual benefit from the surgery, even though recovery is going to take a while, yet.

Today I wound a warp for an upcoming lace workshop.   Since it was only 120 ends, 3 yards long, I figured it would be a good test about whether or not I could start winding longer/wider warps.   I took it slow, about half my usual warp winding speed and it seemed to be fine.

Since Doug has been steadily winding skeins onto cones for shawl warps, I will probably try winding a shawl warp tomorrow.  If I can't weave, I might at least be able to wind warps for when I can...

Little by little...

Currently reading An Astronauts Guide to Life on Earth by Chris Hadfield


  1. Hurrah you!! Yes, the way to measure progress post-surgery is not day-to-day, but week-to-week or even month-to-month. Hang in there! You are in my thoughts often.

  2. Thanks Amy. I'm not a very patient person so being forced to be idle has been difficult. OTOH, I seem to be taking to slug-dom much too well...


  3. Wow - sounds like you're doing great! That stair climbing is really impressive!

    Slug-dom? No. Well deserved rest and lots of physical energy spent on healing? YES!

  4. Congratulations! REAL progress for you and it must be such a relief to be driving again, even small distances. It won't be long now and each day you'll be able to do more and more. You have such patience.
