
Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Odd Ball

Again, not quite true to life.  The woven cloth looks very 'pink' on my monitor when it's actually an orange/coral, more like the yarn in the shuttle.  The cone on the left is about the same colour but a lighter value, while the cone on the right is pretty close although it looks a bit on the lavender end of the colour chart.

In using up this yarn I had an assortment of 'odd' colours left over.  It's been a bit of a challenge at times to find appropriate combinations but since they were all dyed with the same brand of dyes, they are going together much better than I'd hoped.  The pale cone is nearly the same as the lighter bits in the warp so it should just be a pastel version.  Or at least, that's what I'm hoping.

The good news is that the physio was delighted with my progress and told me to just keep on, keeping on.  That what I was doing was working and that I just needed to keep doing the exercises/stretches and let my body take the time it needs to heal

More good news - there are now seven people who want to take the Lace Workshop.  I could possibly take one more, but with two brand new weavers in the class and several who haven't woven for a while and need a refresher, I think that seven will be plenty.  The Beginning Weaving workshop already has one person who is interested but needs to check her work schedule before she signs up.  After so many years of not being able to run a beginning class because no one was interested, it is very heartening to see interest in weaving picking up again.

Everything old is new again?

Currently reading Look Me in the Eye by John Elder Robison

1 comment:

  1. Yay, yay, YAY!!!! Such good news on the healing front!!!

    Yeah, Laura, keep on keepin' on!
