
Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Toot, Toot!

Imagine my surprise when I opened the last issue of Handwoven and spotted this full page ad!  The ad doesn't say it's a dvd, and I had been wondering about the recent inquiries about my 'book' I know!

My heart has been warmed by the positive reviews I've seen on line.  My hope when I did this dvd was to try to help people with the weaving process.  Over the years I've heard so many people lament that dressing the loom is a struggle, or that they have suffered repetitive stress injuries that prevented them from weaving.

I knew that a lot of this was simply due to using techniques or processes that could be made more efficient, more ergonomic.

So, dear readers, thank you for your encouragement and support.  Staff at Interweave have told me that they consider The Efficient Weaver a 'best seller'.  That's all down to you.  :)


  1. What a co-inky-dink! I just received your DVD last week and plan on watching it this morning!!

  2. do you have any advice on the process of taking the warp from the warping board threading through reed and putting in lease sticks. Then carrying that as a bundle to the loom. How do you thread the reed with the end loops and put in lease sticks without a holy mess?

    Judith Grimes

  3. Click on th 'reed as raddle' link to the right hand side...scroll down, waay down...for a photo essay

