
Thursday, May 28, 2015

More Wheel Pics

Flyer - wheel only came with one bobbin, which I understand is pretty typical

Tension system - tilt tension with what looks like a hand made wing nut

Typical metal treadle

Mother of All

Happy camper...'Larry' and moi


  1. Beautiful wheel! If you need another bobbin, look for a local woodturner, who could use the one bobbin as a template for another one/two. They wouldn't be antique, but you would at least have multiples!

  2. On the advice of a very knowledgeable spinner I have been transferring the yarn to a plastic bobbin and then plying from those. But yes, Doug knows some wood turners who height be able to make some new ones. The big thing is that it spins smooth as silk. I think I'm going to enjoy spinning on him.


  3. I just love my wheel. It started me with weaving because I made to much yarn! When I bought it I did not realize it was a wheel set up for fine spinning. This was in the early 70s when thick yarns where the thing. I still have it and I find it perfect and meditative. My go-to use of all of this handspun, assuming you get something plied at about 500 ypd., is to weave a doublewidth blanket/throw in a 2/2 twill sett at 8 epi, using a finer weft of your choice. No fold line, instant symmetry. I can do 2 of these, start to finish, in a weekend, not weaving all the time. It really shows off the yarn.

  4. The wheel looks great - you will have a great time with it! Glad to see you are looking great too!

  5. You and Larry make a great team! Happy spinning, Laura!
