
Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Proof of Progress

Colours aren't quite accurate here - they should be more green-ish.

But here it is - about 28 tea towels all in a roll.  I cut the warp off this afternoon and began cutting them apart and serging them.  Doug will go pressing on Sunday and then I will have lots of hemming to be done.

Tomorrow I will begin beaming the rose warp and thread the mat warp I beamed onto the small loom last night.  Also wound another mat warp, ready and waiting in the wings.

All the yarn for the Olds classes is on order and en route.  As soon as it arrives it will be coned (thanks, Doug!) and then I will wind the warps for the students.  Just three weeks until we leave and I have a lot of teaching aids to pack up as well as yarn for sale (some of it also en route, needing to be broken down from large cones to re-sale size cones - again, thanks, Doug!), everything loaded into the van and another trip through the mountains.

After Olds is done, it is time to do the Power Point presentation for the webinar in July and get the house tidy for a guest coming in July.'s August and getting very near to the fall sales.  My goodness, this year is just whizzing by!


  1. Your energy level is so amazing - especially so soon after your surgery. I am in awe! And feeling rather slug-like.

  2. Just remember my Mom said to clean after the company leaves. Also, leave the vacuum out so it looks like you were interrupted in the middle of something.

  3. Wow! That's a lot of weaving in one roll! I'm struggling to finish an eight foot shawl, I wish I had your speed and dedication. Please show us the finished tea towels - they'll be so pretty.
