
Saturday, June 13, 2015


Getting close to the end of the rose warp so began thinking about the next.  With the goal of using up stash and not buying more yarn, the creative limitation is to work with what I have.  Even though I have lots of inventory of green/turquoise, here I go again.  This time more of a sea green colour way.  Since I also have a shawl warp planned in much the same colours, I seem to be working to a theme.

Tomorrow I will work on refining my design idea just in case the desktop gets 'stuck' in the shop and I don't get it back again on Monday.  I'm hoping to finish the rose by Monday at the latest and beam this warp before I leave for Olds.  Whether or not I'll get it threaded, only time will tell.  But, since this is one of my favourite colours to work with, it's a bit of a 'carrot' to help me get through the next couple of weeks.  I have to decide if I'm going to go with another 40 yard long warp or do a shorter one.  There are still shawls that need weaving, too.

Decisions, decisions!

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