
Friday, June 12, 2015

Well Worn

One of my favourite reference books.  You can tell because of all the post it notes sticking out!

A Guide to Textiles for Interior Designers began life as a textbook in the early 1980's, which is when I bought it for the princely sum of $ a time when paperbacks were selling for under a dollar. 

Since then I have used it frequently.  It is my go to resource for anything related to fibre or fabric characteristics.  I love the format, the graphics and charts.   Dense information given in a straight forward clear manner.

You don't need the recently published second edition.  This first edition is readily available on second hand book sites for a fraction of the cost.  And with every penny.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing this, I will head straight away to e-bay and look for it!
