
Saturday, June 6, 2015

Prep Work

warping station, bins of cones and warps, cone winders (yes, two of them) on the work table with cones ready to be filled...busy, busy, busy!  Squirrel cage swift just visible on the left - so much nicer than an umbrella swift (click on photo to biggify)

Today was open house at the guild so not much happening in the studio.  I did, however, get the rest of the tea towels hemmed, just in time for Doug to press them tomorrow if he has time after doing the 3 dozen mats and 3 table runners.

For the past few days he has been converting skeins into cones, helping me get the yarn ready for the Olds Level One students.  There are 24 students in all and I offered to wind the warps for their first sample and the two value gamp warps.

We are also getting yarn ready for the vendor booth - the bins on the far right need their labels yet.

I'm not quite (quite!) overwhelmed yet but the days are counting down until we leave and there is a lot to be done.  And oh yes, maybe even some weaving.

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