
Sunday, June 7, 2015


Sunday - a day of rest.  Heh.

Doug is off pressing a bazillion place mats and tea towels and I've been carrying on with the warp winding.

The 24 individual student warps are now done - they are in baggies in the bin on the floor.  I've just begun the first of the value gamps.  Rather than have each person do one, we are making a warp per classroom.  With 12 in each class (24 in total) it's much easier if each classroom has it's own loom and value gamp for the students to rotate through as time and energy allows.  The classrooms are open in the evening so students can catch up on their class work in the evening if they want.

The skies are looking threatening again and if I'm going to get a walk in today, I better go now.  The forecast is for rain later in the day.  And I'm trying really hard to walk every day, even if I don't always make it.  With a follow up stress test booked for the fall, I want to be as fit as possible for it.  Not to mention I'd like my 'old' level of 'fitness' back for my own self.  Before needing the surgery I could easily walk up four flights of stairs without thinking about it.  Right now I'm at about 2.5 flights and my thighs start to 'burn'.  I suppose what 'they' say is correct...the older you get, the harder it is to get your fitness back when you've 'lost' it.

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