
Tuesday, June 14, 2016

A Change of Mind

There is a meme on Facebook going around that says something to the effect that we should not stick with a mistake just because we took a long time making it...

So I changed my mind about what I was doing in regards to a new scarf design and put this warp on the loom this morning.  Sometimes Plan B really is 'better' than Plan A...

For the first scarf I used the same solid pale lavender in the warp in the weft and was quite pleased.  For the second scarf (there are only two scarves per warp), I used the same colour but in a darker value.  This subtly shifts the colour, making the really pale areas in the variegated yarn pop.  I think this may be my new scarf design.  


  1. Very pretty with the dark or the light.

  2. Oooh, Aaahhh. . . It makes it more textury. Yep, made up that word just for you.
