
Monday, June 13, 2016

Plan B

After deciding I was happy enough with the cloth I wet finished yesterday, today I started digging through the yarn boxes to choose colours for warps.  And discovered that not all of the rayon yarn was the same grist.  I couldn't combine them without adjusting epi so I started looking at what else I had and made different choices.  First prototype warp is wound.  Second underway.  Need to finish the turquoise warp so I can test the new combo, which, in the end, might actually be 'better'.  

One hopes.  If nothing else I have a better choice of colours...

Currently reading Guy Gavriel Kay's latest.  Children of Earth and Sun, I think it is called.  It's upstairs and I'm not. 


  1. I read his "Under Heaven" and loved it. Guess I need to kindle some of the others.
    BTW, I'll miss you at CW...

  2. Yeah, I've given up trying to get to CW. The two times I registered I had to cancel because of health issues. :-/. Started feeling like I was jinxed!
