
Tuesday, June 21, 2016

In Progress

Today we ran out of the value gamp warp because instead of wimping out and not doing both plain and twill gamps, this enthusiastic bunch, did!   Since I had plenty more yarn, another warp was wound and the loom dressed this afternoon.  Since I was dressing the loom again with the valet, I invited the other classes to observe.  Much picture taking ensued, so I suspect there will be some cutting and drilling happening once some people get home.  

Tomorrow some wet finishing will be happening and then much mulling, thinking, analyzing will follow. 

I cannot give someone else my experience, but I can assist others to obtain their own and help with the analyzing.  I can also cheerlead, commiserate when things go wrong, assist with problem solving.  

1 comment:

  1. Impressive! Both the weaving that took place and your unfailing support, encouragement, and insights.
