
Thursday, June 23, 2016

Summing Up

How to sum up an extraordinary experience?   Do I talk about the campus, with its gardens?   The merchant mall?  (Yes, I exercised my plastic.). The fellow teachers?  Getting to know two of the spinning teachers?   Getting to know the other weaving teachers better?  Do I wax eloquent about the supportive and friendly staff?  The delightful presentation on the history of Cowichan sweaters?

No. Although there was all of that - and more. 

For it was/is the students, always the students, who truly make this week worth the 10-11 hour drive.  The van load full of much of my studio.  Connecting with the 'next' generation of weavers who are passionate about learning the nitty-gritty behind the craft.  Willing to risk 'failure' in pursuit of knowledge.  Diving into the complexity of what goes into making cloth, cloth suitable for its purpose, understanding that there are no definitive answers, that all depends, that there are many highways and byways to the destination.  That it is truly a journey.  A voyage of never ending discovery.  And that just when you think you know 'all' there is to know, you realize the goal posts just got moved.  Again!

And ultimately?  Those moving goal posts are not a frustration, but a challenge to be met.  


  1. It was a wonderful experience for your students too! Thanks for sharing so much of your knowledge with us, let's hope it sticks!

  2. Safe journey home, Lyn. It was great to have you in the class. :)

  3. Laura, I'd like your permission to use the paragraph about the students....perfectly stated! Not that we need to 'dig' for students (13 so far in the lace class) but it seems the best way to describe what happens in your classes! Slainte, Dianne

  4. Of course! :D Really looking forward to being there the end of Aug. I will be in touch about details (working out some recent developments to happenings here at home.)
