
Saturday, July 9, 2016

Another Year

I don't really celebrate birthdays much.  When you are self employed, every day is a potential work day, including birthdays.  Besides I have so many 're-birth' days now, beginning with May 9, 2008 with the angioplasty that saved me from a heart attack, to the beginning/completion of chemotherapy, to Jan. 22, 2015 and the triple by-pass surgery.  So, rather than celebrate one natal day a year, I try very hard to celebrate each and every day I wake up.  

The way I choose to celebrate is to be creative.  With all the negativity in the world, my hope is that by making textiles, exercising my creativity, others will see that it isn't ALL negative in the world.  

Being a crafts person is in some small way to act against the forces of negativity.  My little rebellion, if you will.  

One of the nice things about celebrating a birthday, though, is the reminder to connect with friends and family.  So I thank everyone who has chosen to send their best wishes and think of me today.  


  1. Happy Birthday!
    Yes, you are making it a more beautiful and better world. Not only by weaving beautiful cloth but by helping others to do the same.
    Best wishes for many more healthy birthdays.
    Stephanie S

  2. Happy Birthday! - and many many more birthdays, creative days and providing us inspiration days!
    Marjorie M

  3. Happy birthday! And, Wow! You have had quite the run for your money, haven't you? I love your "quiet rebellion" as you put it. Being a good person and expressing that goodness w/ your fabulous creativity is one of the most powerful things you can do.
    Many Blessings~

  4. Slightly belated Happy Birthday wishes, Laura! May you have health, happiness and a long weaving life. Hugs!

  5. Belated Happy Birthday! Here's to many more!
