
Friday, July 8, 2016

No 'Sale'

So, it looks like Canada Post is going to be shut down after all.  Since my usual 'sale' is 'buy two, get free shipping' and I just cannot afford to use courier to send things, the 'birthday' sale will not happen this year.  I was hoping that they would settle today, but so far I have not heard that they have and...since my birthday is tomorrow, which is when the sale usually ends, it looks like it just isn't going to happen.

My tickets to Cape Breton have been purchased, and I need to decide very soon if I am going to go to TN in Oct.  I did sign up for the Bonnie Inouye workshop, but guild members get priority, which is only fair, so I don't know if I will get in or not.  Since my coffers are getting a bit um, light, shall we say, making another trip might not be a good idea.  On the other hand, I would really like to go and take Bonnie's class...

The summer is disappearing very quickly.  There is much to be done before the fall sales begin.  I'm hoping that some things that are up in the air will be settled soon.  I really dislike not knowing how things are going to play out.  Control freak?  Moi?  Apparently!

1 comment:

  1. Felicitations on your natal day. Enjoy the day, sniff some foliage (smell the flowers). Today is all about you.
