
Wednesday, July 27, 2016


The last warp in this series. 

As a child my parents lamented my stubbornness, my pig headed ness.  I was too strong willed.  Too defiant.  Too...much.  

I prefer to call it determined.  My strong will, my determination, are why I am still weaving, still trying to share my knowledge.   

There were so very many times when it was tempting to give up, give in, cry 'uncle'.  Times when exhaustion became so great I ached from it.  Times when I worked with injuries.  Through illness.  

Therapists always advise to slow down, do less.  And I am.  Right now I'm working at about half speed compared to just 10 years ago.  I have become resigned to working less, working more slowly.  But I refuse to stop entirely.  

I may miss a deadline, not accomplish as much as I would like, but my stubborn, strong willed, determined spirit cannot give up entirely.  Not yet.  


  1. I would call it "persistence"--which is a fabulous quality to have. People who are persistent can accomplish more than people who may just have natural ability going for them.

  2. Right. The rest of us are just coasting along...

  3. People who accomplish extraordinary things do it because they stay focused and keep pushing on. I count you as one of those people.Thank you.

  4. I agree that persistence is a fine quality, and one I share.

  5. Naah! Youre not ready to stop. It isn't time yet. Me neither! Keep on keepin' on! It's what makes you happy, after all.

  6. I think creative people are more...persistent...because we are doing what we love. Y'all keeping on!
