
Thursday, July 28, 2016


For certain values of done-ness...

Three buckets of scarves woven, and a fourth with the fringe twisting elf.  

Several deadlines are going critical, so I may go 'dark' for a while.  

After years of juggling more stuff than I can keep track of effectively, I have come to the realization that if I just hunker down and complete one thing, then move on to the next I feel less scattered, less panicked.  So I am going to try to - shall we say - uni-task - for a while and see how that goes.  If I need to weave as a palate cleanser, I have a 100 yard warp to put into the AVL...


  1. Congratulations! It does feel good to get SOMETHING accomplished - and science concurs with you about multi-tasking. Definitely not as efficient or productive as we might wish.

  2. " If I need to weave as a palette cleanser.". My need to weave is directly related to my mental health. But I like "palette cleanser" too, in all meanings of the word "palette."

  3. Years ago I learned a sort of a mantra....when you're stressed out because you have too much to do, the key isn't to do more, it's to do less. Although I still often forget it, it is indeed true. Take a break. Sit on the porch in the rocker and sip a cup of tea. Go see a movie. And then tackle one thing on the 'must do' list. Just one.
