
Saturday, March 4, 2017


The fog of stress that has clouded my mind for too long appears to be lifting. 

For the first time, in longer than I can remember, I have done a solid three sessions in the studio today. 

My head feels clearer and I have been starting to think ahead.  In the aftermath of my mother's dying, I felt exhausted and stressed to the max.  All I wanted was to end the stress.  And get rid of some of the rubble of my life.  Having no children to either inherit or discard, I felt enormous pressure to start to get rid of some of the detritus of my life.  Sooner, rather than later.

One of my decisions was to discontinue teaching, other than for the Olds program.  Recently I was approached by another guild to teach, in a location that I had long wanted to visit but had never had the opportunity.  In spite of my best intentions, I thought long and hard about the subject matter I have taught over the years, thought about the satisfaction I find it seeing the light of understanding go on in the eyes of the students, and zeroed in on what it was about teaching that caused me the most stress.  And how I could eliminate that part.

So I have come up with Plan B (or Z, I've lost track) and re-tooled my topics to just one:  The Intentional Weaver.  With the book scheduled to come out by 2018, I'm sure there will be groups who will be interested in the material (yes, I do have an ego!) so if I present the principles that I feel are least understood, least taught, and best presented in real life, that might make a very good two day workshop.

With the bulk of the Olds teaching being done in the spring, I will entertain requests to teach this workshop July-October.  Since my travel costs generally exceed my actual teaching fee, I highly recommend at least two 'nearby' groups getting together to share the travel costs.

I am waiting to hear if the group who spurred this re-think is interested and if early October 2018 works for them.  And if no one is interested?  Well, that's ok, too.  Que sera, sera...

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