
Tuesday, March 7, 2017

The Life so Short...

...the craft so long to learn.

This quote is attributed both to Hippocrates and Geoffrey Chaucer.  The exact wording seems to depend on who is translating it.  Either way, it is all too accurate.

Any craft takes years to explore, learn, master.  Learning can be random, trying this, trying that, without a concrete goal in mind.  Or it can be focused.  Which is the 'correct' way, is completely up to the practitioner.

If you prefer a more focused approach, you might be interested in the Olds College Master Weaver program.

It has been very heartening to me to see this program begin to grow with more and more people enrolling.  It is a for-credit college program.  It is not a workshop, but rather seeks to assist people in learning how to think about the construction of textiles.  Textiles appropriate to their intended purpose.

That said, it is not about restricting creativity, but helping people understand the materials they use and why they might behave the way they do.  Of exploring the potential in the materials (and tools, and processes) before committing to a major project.

If you don't know where you are going, any road will do.  And that road can lead to wondrous places.  But personally, I prefer a road map, with some idea of the destination at the end.

Which one a person follows is less important than understanding the journey one wants to take and how to find one's happy place, one's joy.

For more information on the Olds program follow the link above.  If you want more information on the Prince George programs, email me.  The deadline for the Prince George classes is mid-April.  We need six people minimum to have the classes go ahead, preferably 8, with a maximum of 10.  The classes in Prince George are six days, not five, and smaller than Olds so you get more teacher attention.


  1. Just now confirmed that I will be the Level One teacher at Olds Fibre Week in June.

  2. Obviously that is after the level one session in Cape Breton!! You busy!!

  3. Yes. Five weeks pretty much back to back, with ANWG after Olds. I may sleep the month of July! ;). IF all the classes 'go', of course.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. 'If you don't know where you are going any road will do'!! Wow I am writing that in my day book as wisdom to keep and use! I am a map person too (there doesn't seem to be many of us nowadays)

  6. 'If you don't know where you are going any road will do'!! Wow I am writing that in my day book as wisdom to keep and use! I am a map person too (there doesn't seem to be many of us nowadays)
