
Wednesday, November 28, 2018


Creating a book isn’t much different from creating a textile.  

There are stages to go through.  

The first seed of the idea.  Contemplating the potential of that seed.  Outlining what the completed book might look like, in broad terms.  Then refining that broad scope into greater detail.  Ultimately doing the work of interpreting the concept into words that you hope will make sense.  

Once you have mostly written the words there is the search for intent being made comprehensible.  There is the polishing for clarity.  Then the search for typos and mistakes of grammar.  

With each examination of the manuscript, you reach a stage of done-ness.  Of being 95% ‘done’.  Done that bit.  Each pass through you feel a little more confident it is readable.  Becoming more ready for the light of day.  And public opinion.  

Then photos are taken, edited, slotted into the text.  Diagrams are drawn and also inserted.  Doing this changes the formatting, so again you sift through the pages.  95% done.  Again. 

One last sweep through to sieve out any obvious errors.  95% done.  Again. 

Now it is time to apply for the ISBN, create the cover.  Contact the website to find out how to submit a file double the size they specify.  Root around the website to work out retail pricing, shipping, estimated delivery.  

Now...98% done?

The last step will be to upload the file, one for the print version, one for the PDF.  

And then, and then, marketing.  Because the job isn’t done until it is sold.  But closer?  98%?

As soon as the file is loaded to I will be announcing a special introductory offer.  

Stay tuned.  Because I think we are at 98% completion as of 1530 today.  Just a few more details to sort out.  98%.  

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