
Saturday, December 1, 2018

The Best Laid Schemes...

...o’ Mice an’ Men gang aft agley...    Robbie Burns

So everything was going pretty much as expected.  Files were edited, fine tuned, corrections made, photos tweaked.  By Friday afternoon, Ruth was about ready to make the appropriate PDFs and begin uploading the files to the website.  

From there on, things did not go smoothly.  Ruth worked all afternoon trying to get the files to accurately load but there seemed to some kind of glitch in the upload.  When she finally contacted support, it seems their business day was over and it was the weekend.  

We had thought to have the files safely and successfully loaded Friday afternoon, then test the files on Saturday at which point I would have the rest of the information needed to announce the introductory offer.  Instead we are in limbo until Monday morning.  

However, we have the files.  We are ready to offer The Intentional Weaver in print and PDF formats.  I have an offer for those wanting signed print copies drafted and ready to announce.  I just don’t yet have the actual book in the format we want it.  

I’m sure there is some minor issue that needs to be fixed but without the assistance of the websites support team we cannot go any further at this time.  

So.   Stay tuned.   98.555555...

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