
Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Marking Time

"Oh you're a weaver!  You must be sooooo patient!"

Um, no.  No, I'm not.

So when I run into times like these where I'm waiting for the clock to tick, the calendar to turn, I have to remind myself to keep going.  This too shall pass. 

Doesn't mean I'm liking it or taking it with particular good grace, but if I remember to just keep going, that does seem to help.

I found the above fridge magnet at about the year anniversary of my brother's sudden death, when I was dealing with adverse drug effects.  It has stood me in good stead when I broke my ankle (it's temporary, it will heal, you will walk again, weave again, it's temporary, just let your body do what it needs to do, it's temporary).

Then again through chemo, through more adverse drug effects, through by-pass surgery.

I leave in less than a week to go through the final edits of the manuscript.  The foreword has now been written and is being incorporated into the ms.  Three reviewers have received a pdf of the last edit of the ms, knowing that there are still some final tweaks to be made.

The introductory offer is more or less worked out and that should go live early in December.  Unfortunately Canada Post is dealing with rotating strikes, so I'm hoping that they will have a settlement when the books are ready to ship, likely sometime early in February.

This wait is temporary.  It too shall pass...


  1. Yeah, people at shows always assume I'm patient because I'm a weaver. No, I'm not, I tell them. They don't believe me. It's much more about persistence than patience.

  2. I tell people you don't need patience for what you enjoy doing. :)
