
Friday, November 23, 2018

No Warp, No Weaving

It is very true - no warp, no weaving.  If you don't have someone to dress your loom for you (and some people actually do have someone to do that for them) then you have to just get on with it and get it done.

Today I felt able to tackle threading the AVL.  Unfortunately my body has gifted me with a new challenge - threading the AVL I kind of drape myself over the beater and that position now causes my right hand to go numb.  Yay for body issues? 

However, my knee is lovely, thank you.  Quite happy to lower myself down onto the low stool I sit on, bend sharply so I can fit into the small space at the front of the loom.  Win one, lose one?

A few people say they don't find threading a loom uncomfortable. not one of those.  I have never found the position to thread any loom comfortable.  At all.  There is only 'as comfortable as possible'.  Therefore it seemed to me that if I couldn't find a comfortable position, I needed to get really efficient at doing it in order to minimize the time spent doing it.

So, in spite of the hand going numb, I'm half way through this warp.  Not my usual speed, but quickly enough that I did reach the halfway mark before dinner.

Tomorrow I can finish threading, sley and tie on, and then I might actually manage to weave a towel.  Not sure I'll get much farther than that, but at least the loom will be left ready for when I get home from my trip.

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