
Monday, December 24, 2018

An Introvert's Christmas

A friend made and gifted me these a few years ago.  They wound up in my teaching box - a perfect example of Summer and Winter and a fancy twill bookmark.

As a professional weaver, participating in the round of craft fairs that brought in a large percentage of my income for the year, by the time Christmas actually arrived I was exhausted.  Or else I had critical deadlines early in the new year.

There were many years when I spent several hours at the loom on Christmas day, either before or after spending a few hours with my brother and mother.

Well, both of them are gone now and there are just the two of us.  We have no plans for Christmas day, other than to veg.  We have library books to read.  I have a warp on the AVL and 10 or so scarf warps to go into the small loom.  There will also be more weaving for Tien's colour class, but she is taking some time off after launching her on line class and spending time with her family.  We agreed that my weaving the painted warp for her could easily wait until she is home from the holidays.

So while I have weaving I want to do, there are no actual critical weaving/teaching deadlines I need to scramble to meet.

There are a few pending orders to be dealt with - cheques held up in the mail, Paypal requests not yet paid.  I've decided to wait until after Christmas to deal with the follow up emails.

The orders are processed, a folder for books to be mailed in Canada, one for overseas, and several to the US.  Orders are in alphabetical order and I'll begin with Canada and overseas and clear them out of the house first.

While I'm waiting for the books to arrive, sometime in January according to the company, I will begin writing out mailing labels and customs forms.

But all of that is going to wait, too, because I have cleared off the table and now have enough room I can make some jigsaw puzzles.

It used to be holiday tradition that I would go for coffee each day and make puzzles with my friend.  But she is gone now, too.

So I am going to enjoy an Introvert's Christmas and stay home.  Read.  Weave.  Make puzzles.  Rest when necessary.

I will begin on the conference again in the new year.  But for now a very quiet, contemplative, Introvert's Christmas sounds perfect to me.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this. I never know how I really feel about Christmas, and have been thinking about it a lot lately.
