
Sunday, December 23, 2018


Since getting home from San Jose, I have slowly been getting back to the loom, trying to build up muscle tone after not weaving much since early Oct. 

Even when I felt like weaving on the AVL, I didn't 'have much energy or focus, so while I did finally manage to finish the warp I'd left on it, it took a long time.  Then the loom had to be dressed again and we were on the road doing craft fairs.  There was just one week between getting home from Calgary and heading to San Jose, and all I managed to do was thread the loom.

In between monitoring my email, the blurb website, processing orders, I have tried to get to the loom every day - although not always making it.

However, I'm over a third of the way through the warp, finished two spools of cottolin for weft and started on the third colour today.

A big project like writing and publishing a book is an exercise in riding the roller coaster of hitting one deadline crest, sliding down into the valley, then pushing upwards to the next.

The introductory offer finished Friday at midnight and now the wait for the arrival of the books.  I will do as much of the paperwork as possible before they arrive, but need to take a few days off.  I'm thinking making a few small jigsaw puzzles might be just the thing to clear my mind for the next deadline crest.

In the meantime feedback is beginning to come in.  Tonight I got this lovely email:

"I just received the hard-copy, (which has increased my knowledge in just the first chapter-the description of yarns is so succinct yet thorough.-and I have been spinning for some years).  I know this is a treasure I plan to read from cover to cover (which I honestly don’t do with many weaving books). I would like to buy the PDF, but am not sure how to order it.  (I ordered the book and Magic in the Water through Blurb).  

As Tien mentioned, I feel my little weaving room has been turned into a classroom, with you hovering somewhere close by.  Thank you and many blessings for the coming year."

Thank you Deborah - Happy Weaving!
(For anyone else wanting the PDF, it is now available via the blurb website.)

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