
Friday, December 7, 2018

Busy Time!

One warp, four different colours of weft

Many weavers have difficulty with putting colours together because sometimes they do unexpected things.

Tien Chiu has developed an on-line course Color Courage for Weavers which has launched this week.

She has a mini-workshop that is free and which will introduce people to the concepts she will be tackling in more depth in her workshop.

My editor Ruth Temple has been juggling editing duties on my book as well as Tien's workshop and it has been a busy time for all. 

Yes, I am involved in Tien's workshop, too!  Last year I wove a lot (and by a lot I mean a LOT) of samples for Tien to illustrate what happens when weft crosses warp, how the interaction of colours changes when the ratio of each to the other changes when the weave structure changes.

I am not an intuitive user of colour.   What I know or understand about colour in cloth is based on years of trying (and sometimes failing) at putting colours together in a way that pleases my eye.

This course is the one I wish I'd had when I first started weaving.

If anyone is feeling a bit insecure about how colour works in cloth but would like to know more in order to create their own unique textiles, I recommend enrolling in Tien's on-line workshop. 

Currently reading Trail of Lightning by Rebecca Roanhorse

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