
Wednesday, December 5, 2018

One Step Forward...

Seems like with every step forward, I either slide one back, or at least to the side.

I came home with a copy of the PDF version of The Intentional Weaver loaded on my iPad, thinking that all was well and I would be able to start sharing the link immediately with people. 

It hasn't worked out that way. 

The link opens perfectly in Google, but when I try to open it in Google docs to share?  The file becomes corrupted.  No cover.  Page breaks not where they should be, throwing the entire document out of kilter.

After a couple of hours last night and a couple more this afternoon (when I was supposedly fresher!) I cried uncle and asked for help from Ruth.  Who is busy on another critical deadline on a project that is not mine but which I fully endorse. 

Since I am stymied on getting the PDF ready to share, I figured I could at the very least acknowledge the orders so far received and send out Paypal invoices for those who want to pay that way.

So that is what I am now in the midst of doing.

If there is one thing I have learned in this life it is that no road is perfectly straight or even smooth.

One step forward, one back, side step, side step, hopefully forward again.

But the birthing a book bit is done.  This PDF problem?  Minor.  And no doubt user error...time for tea...


  1. My employment also works with PDF and e-book distributions, and there certainly are a number of hoops to jump through, especially if you want to set up a book to be read by just the person who bought it. Discouraging sharing (i.e. giving away your materials for free) by attaching DRM or other kinds of tools to the PDF add to the challenge, for sure! I'm glad that you have a good support system to help you!

  2. I apologize but somehow I missed the information about the cost & how of purchasing your new book. Could you send that information or post it for me to read?

  3. We also have an Introductory Offer.

    The Intentional Weaver: how to weave better

    Until December 21, 2018 order a print copy of The Intentional Weaver by master weaver Laura Fry and receive a free PDF version of the book.

    Print copies will become available in the new year, but you will be able to download your PDF copy immediately.

    Books ordered directly from Laura on this introductory offer will be signed and mailed as soon as they are received from the printer around the end of January. A link to download your PDF version will be emailed upon receipt of payment.

    Price is $68.00 Canadian plus shipping of $20.00 anywhere in North America (plus GST of $4.40 will be applied for purchases in Canada for a total of $92.40).

    To place an order for a signed copy to be shipped in the new year plus a free PDF version, email

    Payment can be made by PayPal, VISA or MasterCard (or e-transfer in Canada)

    Books in either hardback or PDF will also be available via

