
Tuesday, December 4, 2018

The Next Step

This photo shows the difference between an 'ordinary' 2 ply cotton yarn and seine twine.  They are both yarn.  They are both cotton.  But they are - quite obviously - not the same.

Writing a book is one thing.  Selling it is quite another.

A couple of people have asked me if I'm happy now that the book is a real entity (it can be purchased from the website *** directly or from me on the special introductory offer I announced on Dec. 2).

We are still trying to get the PDF version 'live' and Ruth will continue to work on that over the next few days and see if she can figure out what is happening that it won't go 'live' like the print version.

So, am I happy?   Not really.  I would say 'relieved' rather than 'happy'.  Because the next step is now up - that of getting the word out and - hopefully - selling lots and lots of copies.

I got home this evening from San Jose after a very busy and stress inducing week of the final polish, re-reads, print out, re-read, polish some more, finally going 'live' on Sunday.  We had some technical glitches with the website, but in the end Ruth got it done and uploaded.  I'm hoping the PDF will soon be live, too, so that people outside of North America can purchase the book digitally and not have to pay huge shipping costs.

When I published Magic, lo these many years ago, there really wasn't any kind of digital publishing happening - or at least not for small niche authors like myself.  Ruth and I chatted about how much publishing has changed, just within our lifetimes.  Me of the spirit duplicator/Gestetner stencil generation, she of the manual typesetting level of printing technology.  We've come a long way, baby!

At any rate, like I say, I only just rolled in the door this evening, travel weary, lack of sleep weary and stress weary.  I have opted to not do anything with the order inquiries that have arrived while I have been in San Jose and returning home until tomorrow afternoon.

So please be patient.  I have to set up the mechanism of letting purchasers download the free PDF file, then I will be sending out Paypal invoices for those who have said Paypal works for them.  Once the book is paid, I will email a link for people to download their file.  The actual print books will take about 6 weeks or so - perhaps longer given the holiday season soon upon us - but at least buyers will have access to the book immediately via the PDF file.

To those of you who have already ordered and paid - my grateful thanks.  To those wanting more information or a Paypal invoice sent - tomorrow, I promise.

If you missed the blog post with details, read the previous post.  There are instructions about contacting me about ordering the special introductory offer, which is pretty simple:  email me at and I will send a Paypal invoice with the link for the free PDF. 

For those of you who shared the previous blog post, you are my 'spreading the word' angels.  Thank you.

***you can also order Magic in the Water from the same website, either PDF or print on demand

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