
Sunday, May 5, 2019

Comes a Time

I took a workshop on how to make bobbin lace at our last ANWG conference in 1995.  Since then I've worked at it on and off (lately more off than on).  It is something I enjoy for the mental stimulation and the fact that it is still weaving, just that you build your loom as you create your textile, warps can turn into wefts, you can tie knots, make loops, add in colour at will.

But I'm mumble-mumble years older now.  My eyesight continues to deteriorate (gave up cross stitch a couple of decades ago) and my neck doesn't like to be bent over.

My lace making friend is in hospice and somehow the desire to continue to make lace seems to be leaking out of me.

I am going to be making up my mind whether to offer my lace making supplies at the conference here in June.

I have several pillows of various types (cookie, filled with sawdust, block made with styrofoam, a roller pillow) and my friend in hospice has, over the years, given me a lot of her painted bobbins.  Not to mention others I acquired along the way.

There are several shelves full of books including the very latest 3 volume set that I had hoped would serve to inspire me to start making lace again.  I paid $40+ each for them, then put the loose pages into plastic pocket pages in binders.  They would be a bargain at $120 for the three.

But a part of me wants to hang on - for the memories of my friend as I use her bobbins, the many emails we exchanged over the years (we emailed nightly for 27 years - until she entered hospice a couple of weeks ago).

I'm torn.  But the conference would also be a really good place to try to sell my bins full of stuff.  And I need to remove them from the annex, so sooner would be better than later.

I haz a sad today...


  1. This is a tough decision, made harder by the confluence of your friend's failing health and the opportunity to find a loving home for your lace-making supplies. My sentimental side says that if you decide to let the supplies go, keep some of the bobbins for yourself - whether stored in a drawer or displayed somewhere that you'll see them. Sending hugs across the continent...

  2. The friend in me haz a sad for you. The neophyte bobbin lace maker in me is contemplating luggage requirements. ;)

  3. Best of luck on your destashing! As for me, I realised quite awhile ago that I hadn’t done any lacemaking for over 15 years! I decided that I didn’t care if I made any money on the books and supplies since I had already gotten lots of pleasure out of them. A friend in my weavers guild also belongs to the local lace guild and is an active lacemaker so I gave her the whole lot. She was so excited! I did keep a few of the special bobbins - just as Rhonda suggests. No regrets and at least the stash is getting used now!
