
Saturday, May 4, 2019

Ups...and Downs...

need more shawls so that design idea is simmering until after the confence - probably similar to these

Most of my energy the past while has been used up on the conference and/or dealing with the nasty cold I had.  I'm pretty much over that now, but friends tell me this variety comes complete with a lingering cough.  Add to that the rise in pollen and my allergies and I just don't have much energy.

After not weaving for the better part of two weeks, I'm also dealing with loss of muscle tone and weaving on the AVL is pretty physical.

This morning I dealt with the fall out of the latest seminar cancellations - I'm hoping that's the lot and I can begin on the other aspects of conference organization.  As usual I'm wearing way too many hats, but it looks like we have found a young person willing to assist Doug with the load in and out to the vendor hall, and Mary says she will help with the final 'fluff of the inventory if I'm too busy.

But I'm also low on brain power so after working on the conference this morning, then pushing myself to weave two towels (looks like maybe three more to go) I think it may just be nap o'clock.

The next tea towel warp is crunched and ready to get slammed into the AVL just as soon as this one comes off, I have tentatively got two designs for rayon chenille scarf warps crunched, the first colourway selected.

Now to lay down and re-charge.  I may not sleep, but I think it will refresh me anyway.

Maybe I'll feel mentally able to start working out what list needs to be tackled next...


  1. deb.bennett.00@gmail.comMay 4, 2019 at 10:33 PM

    I had that cold. Then I lost my voice. 7 days later, it is still AWOL. (Yes, I have been to the doctor and I am following her advice). Sigh.

  2. This one started with my voice going. Sorry you are still dealing with it. :(
