
Sunday, August 18, 2019

Home Sweet (Cluttered) Home

Yesterday I wended my way home again.  Missed seeing the Rockies as they were covered by cloud, but west of the mountains the clouds cleared and I got a good view of north east Washington state,  looking a lot like a very textured textile...

As usual the students were lovely.  I will carry fond memories of this week in North Carolina and look forward to seeing their homework when they submit it.

Now that I'm home, I am faced with the prospect of getting as much as possible done in the (about) 3 weeks before I set off on my next trip.

There are still AVL parts scattered all over the place, some stash  yarn which will be going to another weaver, re-arranging the studio in anticipation of the arrival of the Megado, perhaps even this week?

In between there are a couple more place mat warps to weave, a gigantic heap of mats woven, but awaiting their final steps - wet finishing, hemming, final pressing, tagging/pricing.

I have also been carrying on with a writing project, which may - or may not - see light of day.  But I seem to be a bit obsessed with doing it so if nothing else, getting the words out of my brain and set down seems to be cathartic and therefore useful to me personally.  In many ways it is helping me shape what my future will become by examining my past, and how I became the person - and the weaver/teacher - I am today.  In many ways that particular cycle of my life is being wrapped up and it seems like A Good Thing to record what I remember of my life now, before I move on to the Next Thing.

But everyone knows - before it can get better it must get 'worse' - and we have been living in the 'worse' for over a month now.  Every time I think things can't get any 'worse' than guessed it, it gets 'worse'.

Doug is arranging for a young person to help carry the boxes of the Megado down to the studio.  I worry about him and me doing it.  My back was giving me fits on the trip - too many uncomfortable chairs/seats - and the aches and pains I still have lead me to suspect that they may never get better than they are right now.  Which is pretty actively discouraging me from these long trips.  If I'm driving I can stop as needed and get out and walk around and the van has really good seats.  Airplanes, not so much, and they are cramped.  If I'm in the window seat I can't easily get up when my legs and back start squawking and I become very uncomfortable.  Age and medication have not helped in this, but on the other hand, I'm still alive TO squawk, so there is that.

Once the scattered loom parts are either claimed or disposed of, the clutter in the house will be greatly reduced.  I'm all for just loading it all up and taking it to the tip, but Doug is trying to re-home as much of it as possible.  I'm just anxious to get rid of the mess. 

Now that I'm home, I will get back to getting info to people who have expressed an interest in several items.  But not today.  Today is a day of rest and I will do only what I please.  I may please to weave, but that is to be determined.  I do please to empty my suitcases and put them away, which will get rid of a small amount of clutter.  But first I will finish my coffee, have a shower and then see what appeals.

But I would really like to tame Clutter Mountain before my next trip, knowing that when I get home from that we will be well into craft fair organization which will have it's own level of clutter...I won't miss the annual scramble to prepare for and then do the craft fairs, although I will miss being part of that community.  Ah well, time to step aside and let others take my place.

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