
Friday, August 16, 2019

Hurry Up and Wait

So, I’m sitting in a hotel in Charlotte, NC.  I’m anxious to get home, in no small part because I got word on Monday my loom was wending it’s way across the Atlantic.  

Doug has been working on getting the studio ready for when it arrives.

My flight leaves at 1 pm and I go from here to Detroit, to Vancouver, to home.  All being well, I will arrive home around midnight.  By that point I will have been awake since around 3 am home time, and I hope to be able to fall into bed as soon as I get through the door.  

As usual the class was marvellous. There was the expected wide range of experience and the more experienced helped the others.  Everyone was cheerful, even when things got confusing.  And it is confusing, I readily admit that.  The manuals were upgraded and at times I found myself remembering what was in the old manual, which didn’t help.  But in the end we got through it and people who didn’t make a practice of sampling now see the value.  Which warms the cockles of my heart. 

Hesitation to wet finish is now overcome, I think.   More warmed cockles.  

I also recently found out that Long Thread Media will soon have their DVDs back.  They are gone from the Interweave website hopefully transitioning to Long Media.  Sign up for their email notices to get their news. 

I will be home for about three weeks before I leave again.   Lots to do between trips.  Send me energy.  Imma gunna need it...

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