
Saturday, September 14, 2019

John C Campbell Folk School

The Efficient Weavers came through!   There were 10 students who came to work on their skills with the goal of getting them to the next level.  

All were invited to bring two wound warps, one for a scarf, one wider like for tea towels.  They could choose to work with yarns they were familiar with or with something completely different.  

We started Sunday evening getting to know each other, talking about the craft of weaving from general terms through to more detailed.  

Over the course of the week I stood on my usual soapboxes and gave my usual speeches.  I demonstrated my techniques and encouraged all to find out which were ‘best’ practice for them. 

Most dressed their looms twice, although not all.  Some were working on longer/wider warps.  

Two had taken classes from me before and had come for a refresher.  Others had followed me on social media so were aware of my usual rants.  

This is the last class I will present at this location.  As part of my moving further towards ‘retirement’ I made the decision to no longer teach for guilds.  Long distance travel with the attendant stress of missed flights, getting enough guilds collected to do a tour and the hazards of finding safe food to eat just aren’t worth it any longer.  

If  Olds College wants to keep me on the roster, I will carry on teaching that program for so long as my health allows.  

As much as I love my distant friends, it’s just no longer something I’m willing to do.  Yes, I ran into an allergen Saturday night, then again Sunday, and most likely repeatedly during the week.  I wasn’t at my best, for which I feel bad.  Much better I switch to doing something from home where I can control my food and hopefully sleep.  

I would save this trip was my farewell tour, but one event doesn’t make a tour, as such.  It has been a bitter sweet last class, though.  

For those people who have followed me on this blog and other social media, I thank you.  Knowing you are out there, interested in what I have to say encourages to keep posting.  As I move from production Weaver/wandering weaving teacher to retired Weaver, I have no idea what the new year holds.  I’m sure it will be interesting.  


  1. Bummer about getting exposed to an allergen. You have my full sympathy. I am allergic to multiple common ingredients, which makes for difficult traveling. I'm avoiding thinking about what that might mean going forward. I guess I haven't fully accepted it yet.

    I very much enjoyed the workshop I took with you a few years ago, so I'm a little sad, but mostly I applaud you taking care of yourself. I hope this leads to an interesting new chapter for you. Perhaps another book? Just playing devil's advocate on your shoulder, I guess.

    Whatever you decide to put more focus on, I hope it's fun and I hope you continue to write about it!


  2. Thank you for writing! I really enjoy reading your blog and have learned so much.
