
Monday, September 16, 2019

Recovery Mode

Sitting quietly this morning, contemplating.  

Thinking about how much I hate six am flights.  Hoping I never have to take another.  After Wednesday, that is.  Thinking about food allergies.  About how much I am going to appreciate getting home, in spite of how much I have enjoyed visiting with distant friends, sharing what I know with eight more people.  

Thinking about all the work that waits for me when I do get home.   Not really wanting to do any of it.  Wondering if I have any local friends willing to come and empty boxes of silk, put it on shelves, move cotton to its new home.  

It is said that you are only as old as you feel.   Well inside me is still an energetic driven 30 something.  Unfortunately actual physical me is 69 and this body has been rode hard and put away wet too many times.  The folk school bought new chairs for the weaving studio and they were awful, some of the most uncomfortable chairs I’ve sat in.  It might have been ok for an hour, but not a week long class.  Today on top of gut issues I’m dealing with a muscle spasm in my back.  

So how old do I feel?   OLD.  

These few days of no obligations are very much needed.  The best thing about staying with Mary is that we don’t feel we have to entertain each other continually.   She does what she needs to do and I can sit quietly, contemplating, and it is good.  

Im doing a load of laundry so I don’t run out of clothing, although it looks like I actually brought enough.  I may drag my knitting or my book out while Mary unpacks and gets herself organized.  And sit and enjoy the sunbeam coming in the window.  

1 comment:

  1. Boy, do I hear you. I could have written this post for you! Plus, recovery from anything simply sakes more time. I’ve recognized the need to schedule in intermittent down times during the day when I used to use that same time more energetically. I too feel OLD but I’m not out :-)
