
Sunday, September 22, 2019

Pillars, Posts

A bout of insomnia last night left me with a brain that was fizzing, not letting me sleep.  Instead of beating myself up about long past things, I set about thinking of how I wanted the studio set up.  I twisted and turned things around and around again, trying to think how best to utilize the space.  In the end I didn't change much of anything at all.

But there were also things that had been shoved into that end of the studio to get them out of the way of other things, so this morning I poked and shoved and started moving things in order to get other things into their final (for now) placement.  I can't move the loom, so haven't been able to move it away from the wall.  The computer cabinet is up on a dolly and I can't lift it down by myself, but it will go pretty much where it has always lived, just maybe a few inches closer to the back wall, which will give a narrow storage space behind it for bits and pieces of things.

I measured the circumference of the warp beam just so I know what it is, but still have to test the Louet tension box.  This morning I was going to make the apron for the front of the loom, but I can't get at the front of it so that will wait.

There are a variety of stools of various heights.  The black one is closest to 'best' height so I will keep that and likely dispose of the shorter one I'd been using at the AVL.  I have two low stools and right now I don't know which - if either - will work for threading.  The Louet has a much higher front profile than most looms.  One of the other taller (but too short to weave with) stools might work better, so I'm not getting rid of anything yet.  Which means I have an accumulation of *stuff* that keeps being in the way of what I want to do.

There is a low, three shelf rack that I used beside the AVL and will likely use for this loom.  It's handy to hold bobbins, measuring tape, drink, miscellaneous items, but it needs to be cleaned off.  A job for later today perhaps.

The silk yarn I expected to use for my test warp is finer than I remembered, but the cashmere is quite a bit thicker so I can get away with 60 epi - which is what my spool rack will hold.  I need to count out how many spools I have, then figure out how long/wide a warp I could wind.  At 2/60 or so, the partially filled spools have a lot more yardage on it than it would appear at first glance.  It would be nice to empty some of those spools.  Stash reduction, and all.

It is another grey wet day, dreary, and I'm sleep deprived.  I've not been well for two weeks and I'm sick and tired of feeling sick and tired.  However, there are tiny signs of improvement.  So I think I'll go clean off that shelf and when Doug and his helper are here tomorrow, get them to set those pieces I can't move on my own into place.  And set up the desktop.  And who knows, maybe even see if I can get the dobby to fire up.  The instructions are a little...funky...I may be asking for help.

Currently reading Death in Ecstasy by Ngaio Marsh.  First published in 1935 it is showing its age.

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