
Friday, September 20, 2019

Shaping Up

It may not look like much has happened in the two weeks I was away, but believe me, there was lots happening.  It is mostly in the background or in corners.

If I had been at home, Doug and I would have been at cross purposes as he re-sized shelves, moved things (again) from pillar to post, shuffled things out of his way.

The work table got re-sized as well, which meant I would not have been able to work on it for several days, and it is integral to my being able to work efficiently in the studio.

So I didn't feel too terribly guilty about simply leaving him and his helper to get on with it.

Yesterday I finished moving the 2/16 cotton so that it is now in the studio, not the store room, and yesterday I puttered trying to figure out what was the best thing to tackle.

Since I came home with some kind of gut issue, I didn't feel up to weaving, but this morning I managed two place mats and don't feel too awful for it so I'll try to eat something (clear liquids only) and see if I feel up to weaving again this afternoon.

With the 2/16 cotton out of the store room, I set out what place mats I have for inventory, and man, am I low!  However, Doug is off pressing two dozen today and while my energy is curtailed, I figure I can binge watch some of the programs I enjoy and Doug doesn't and sit and hem, if I don't feel up to anything else.

There is still plenty of shifting, unpacking of boxes, and moving things here and there to be done.  I'm not entirely happy with the Megado TexSolv cord system for the 'apron' so I'm thinking of making one.  I have the old AVL apron which could be cut down.  I also bought a new apron for the back beam of the Fanny, and as soon as the current warp gets cut off, Doug will install that.  But then both looms will need rods.  Doug has an event on Sunday so he's scrambling to help me and get ready for that.

But the new shape of the studio is beginning to reveal itself.  I'm hoping we can get the Megado up and running next week when I'm feeling better and Doug isn't so busy.  I just don't have the mental wherewithal right now to even contemplate it.  Not to mention it's barricaded behind yet more heaps of stuff looking for their 'forever' home.

Change is stressful.  The only way to get through it is...just keep going.

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