
Monday, October 21, 2019

Ways We Learn

With the rise of the internet, more and more people are turning to on line venues to learn things.  All sorts of things.

I was an early adopter of the internet (dial up hand shakes - yikes) and posted video clips to You Tube.  Now I'm not a professional and my video camera was as good as I could afford at the time, but when you are trying to be both in front and behind the camera, it isn't always great.

So in 2014 I had the opportunity to work with the crew from Interweave Press to make not one but two DVDs.  The Efficient Weaver and Wet Finishing.

Since then many people have contacted me to say that they have found them useful, so when parent company F&W Media filed for bankruptcy protection earlier this year, I had no idea if the content would continue to be available.

Over the summer Long Thread Media was formed and that company purchased Handwoven, Spin Off and Piecework Magazines, PLUS the DVD content.

I have been in touch with Anne Merrow and this morning formal notification of how things will proceed was provided.

It is a relief to know that this content will continue to be available, this time as on-line 'workshops'. 

Since I am currently in the process of 'retiring' - ie no longer traveling to teach for guilds or at conferences, it is heartening to know that the content of these (and the rest of their catalogue) will continue to be available for people wanting to learn.

As always, feel free to contact me with questions.  Read the archived posts on select topics on this blog. 

My social media is Facebook (I know, I know), Ravelry, Twitter and Instagram - in addition to this blog.  While I withdraw from physically getting myself from place to place, I enjoy hearing from folk and anyone passing through my town is welcome to come visit the studio.  So long as you don't mind, erm, creative chaos!

1 comment:

  1. Your vids are from 5 years ago? Now that made me age... 5 years in seconds...
